What we do:

While improving your Diabetes we will help you reduce as many medications as possible 

You will lose the weight you desire, regain your confidence, feel great in beautiful clothes and reverse your Diabetes all at the same time.

Design a healthy lifestyle plan that keeps you free from Diabetes and its complications.

Save you money on medications, copays, medical supplies and hospital stays

What we do:

✓While improving your Diabetes we will help you reduce as many medications as possible

✓ You will lose the weight you desire, regain your confidence, feel great in beautiful clothes and reverse your Diabetes all at the same time.

✓ Design a healthy lifestyle plan that keeps you free from Diabetes and its complications.

✓ Save you money on medications, copays, medical supplies and hospital stays


Also what we do:

1:1 access to Rita, Your private health coach

Stop struggling with unwanted body fat

Regain your confidence

Reduce as many prescription drugs as possible

Live the vibrant, active lifestyle of your dreams

Balance your blood sugar with ease

Get better sleep, have more energy, less sugar cravings and clear skin

Add years to your life and life to your years

Ditch the starvation diets and hours in the gym
Develop a mindset for success


As a busy working professional, wife, mother and church ministry leader, I understand

first hand how difficult it can be to care for your own health.

 I have spent years of time, money, therapy, heartache and medical expenses figuring out

how to balance my busy life and prioritize my own health. 

 Every conscientious person, like me and you, wants to be on our “A game” and show up as the best version of ourselves for others. But, this is something that requires skill and a strategic plan.

I’m there to guide and support you every step of the way.

Strategic health guidance that allows you to reach your 

goals at an accelerated pace without the overwhelm.

Here is what we'll do:

Give you 1:1 access to Rita, Your private health consultant

Stop struggling with unwanted body fat
Ditch the starvation diets and hours in the gym
Help you regain your confidence 

Reduce as many prescription drugs as possible

Live the vibrant, active lifestyle of your dreams

Develop a success mindset

Balance your blood sugar with ease
Get better sleep, have more energy, less sugar cravings and clear skin

Add years to your life and life to your years


As a busy working professional, wife, mother and church ministry leader, I understand

first hand how difficult it can be to care for your own health.

 I have spent years of time, money, therapy, heartache and medical expenses figuring out

how to balance my busy life and prioritize my own health. 

 Every conscientious person, like me and you, wants to be on our “A game” and show up as the best version of ourselves for others. But, this is something that requires skill and a strategic plan.

I’m there to guide and support you every step of the way.

Strategic health guidance that allows you to reach your 

goals at an accelerated pace without the overwhelm.

This is the partnership between you and a health & wellness expert that you have ALWAYS desired.

Partner with Rita and her Diabetes Reversal Formula to achieve your highest health potential! 

Let's reduce those sugar cravings and get you on the road to life without Type 2 Diabetes!

This is the partnership between you and a health & wellness expert that you have ALWAYS desired.

Partner with Rita and her Diabetes Reversal Formula to achieve your highest health potential! 

Let's reduce those sugar cravings and get you on the road to life without Type 2 Diabetes!

Client Love

It is my belief that our creator made us to be amazing self healing emotional, physical and spiritual beings. The intricacy of our bodies functions will continue to be studied until the end of time because it is deeply complex and frankly, nobody is smart enough to understand it all yet.  

       However, there is A LOT that we DO know, and CAN do, to create an environment in which our bodies can THRIVE. Lucky for us, our bodies have grace. If we make the changes it needs today, it will reward us with optimum function for us and our future generations to come.

I only take a limited number of clients to work with to make sure I can give you the maximum amount of attention

It is my belief that our creator made us to be amazing self healing emotional, physical and spiritual beings. The intricacy of our bodies functions will continue to be studied until the end of time because it is deeply complex and frankly, nobody is smart enough to understand it all yet.  

       However, there is A LOT that we DO know, and CAN do, to create an environment in which our bodies can THRIVE. Lucky for us, our bodies have grace. If we make the changes it needs today, it will reward us with optimum function for us and our future generations to come.

I only take a limited number of clients to work with to make sure I can give you the maximum amount of attention

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